Wild Kratts:
Creature Power!
Hit the creature power trail with the Kratt brothers
Step into the world of Wild Kratts to explore the lives of extraordinary animals in habitats around the globe, including the Australian outback desert, a tropical rainforest, the Antarctic and a North American backyard. Sneak through the forest using the stealth of a jaguar, swing through the jungle like a spider monkey, test your hops against a kangaroo and much more.
Exhibit Details
Content Focus
Science, technology, engineering and math
3,000 sq. ft.
Target Audience
Ages 3 to 9 | Families and school groups
Tallest component is 12 ft., but can be adjusted
2 trucks, 20 – 4’x8′ wheeled collapsible carts
Exhibit Highlights
Some of the most popular components of the exhibit
Playful Learning
By harnessing children’s natural curiosity and interest in animals, the exhibit aims to:
- Provide meaningful, inquiry-based STEM experiences in which children use critical thinking skills and discover amazing creature powers
- Foster and promote the power of teamwork through collaborative experiences and dramatic play
- Build confidence through fun, exciting challenges and opportunities to pursue individual interests
- Through play, leverage and appreciate 21st century skills – our own creature powers!
- Fuel adults’ sense of wonder, curiosity and a lifelong love of learning